Run a Node on Elysium
Running a full node on a Elysium network allows you to connect to the network, sync with a bootnode, obtain local access to RPC endpoints, author blocks on the chain, and more.
There are two types of deployments of Elysium, including the Atlantis (Testnet).
The minimum specs recommended to run a node are shown in the following table. For our MainNet deployments, disk requirements will be higher as the network grows.
Component | Requirement |
CPU | 8 Cores (Fastest per core speed) |
RAM | 16 GB |
SSD | 1 TB (recommended) |
Firewall | P2P port must be open to incoming traffic |
Running Ports
The only ports that need to be open for incoming traffic are those designated for P2P. Validator must not have RPC or WS ports opened.
Default Ports for a chain Full-Node
Description | Port |
P2P | 30333 (TCP) |
RPC | 9933 |
WS | 9944 |
Prometheus | 9616 |
Installation with Docker
Elysium node can be spun up quickly using Docker. For more information on installing Docker, please visit this page. At the time of writing, the Docker version used was 24.0.1. When connecting to Elysium, it will take a few hours to completely sync the chain data. Make sure that your system meets the requirements.
Create a local directory to store the chain data:
Network | Command |
Elysium | mkdir /var/lib/elysium-data |
Atlantis (Testnet) | mkdir /var/lib/elysium-testnet-data |
Next, make sure you set the ownership and permissions accordingly for the local directory that stores the chain data. In this case, set the necessary permissions either for a specific or current user (replace DOCKER_USER for the actual user that will run the docker command):
# chown to a specific user
chown DOCKER_USER /var/lib/elysium-data
# chown to current user
sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /var/lib/elysium-data
Atlantis (Testnet)
# chown to a specific user
chown DOCKER_USER /var/lib/elysium-testnet-data
# chown to current user
sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /var/lib/elysium-testnet-data
Now, execute the docker run command. If you are setting up a validator node, make sure to follow the code snippets for Validator.
Dev Node Setup
Create a file name as docker-compose.yml and add below code:
version: '3'
container_name: elysium-dev-node
image: vaival/elysium-testnet:latest
- 30333:30333 # p2p port
- 9933:9933 # rpc port
- 9944:9944 # ws port
- 9615:9615 # promethus port
- ./elysium-testnet-data:/data
command: [
"--name", "elysium-dev-node",
"--rpc-cors", "all"
After saving the file run the below code:
docker compose up
Docker engine will start the node, you can connect it locally by using below urls:
Local RPC Access:
Local Websocket Access:
Polkadot provides a UI to connect and view your local node. You can access this by this link