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The library provides a set of tools to interact with Ethereum Nodes via the Rust programming language that works similar to Ethers.js. Elysium has an Ethereum-like API available that is fully compatible with Ethereum-style JSON RPC invocations. Therefore, developers can leverage this compatibility and use the library to interact with a Elysium node as if they were doing so on Ethereum. You can read more about how to use on their official crate documentation.

In this guide, you'll learn how to use the library to send a transaction and deploy a contract on Atlantis . This guide can be adapted for Elysium.

Checking Prerequisites

For the examples in this guide, you will need to have the following:

  • An account with funds. You can get ELY for testing on once every 24 hours from Elysium Faucet
  • To test out the examples in this guide on Elysium, you will need to have your own endpoint and API key, which you can get from one of the supported Endpoint Providers.
  • Have Rust installed on your device
  • Have solc installed on your device. Using solc-select is recommended by the package

NOTE: The examples in this guide assumes you have a macOS or Ubuntu 20.04-based environment and will need to be adapted accordingly for Windows.

Create a Rust Project

To get started, you can create a new Rust project with the Cargo tool:

cargo init ethers-examples && cd ethers-examples

For this guide, you'll need to install the library among others. To tell the Rust project to install it, you must edit the Cargo.toml file that's included with the document to include it under dependencies:

name = "ethers-examples"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

ethers = "1.0.2"
ethers-solc = "1.0.2"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
serde_json = "1.0.89"
serde = "1.0.149"

This example is using the ethers and ethers-solc crate versions 1.0.2 for RPC interactions and Solidity compiling. It also includes the tokio crate to run asynchronous Rust environments, since interacting with RPCs requires asynchronous code. Finally, it includes the serde_json and serde crates to help serialize/deserialize this example's code.

If this is your first time using solc-select, you'll need to install and configure the Solidity version using the following commands:

solc-select install 0.8.1 && solc-select use 0.8.1

Setting up the Ethers Provider and Client

Throughout this guide, you'll be writing multiple functions that provide different functionality such as sending a transaction, deploying a contract, and interacting with a deployed contract. In most of these scripts you'll need to use an Ethers provider or an Ethers signer client to interact with the network.

There are multiple ways to create a provider and signer, but the easiest way is through try_from. In the src/ file, you can take the following steps:

  1. Import Provider and Http from the ethers crate
  2. Add a Client type for convenience, which will be used once you start to create the functions for sending a transaction and deploying a contract
  3. Add a tokio attribute above async fn main() for asynchronous excution
  4. Use try_from to attempt to instantiate a JSON RPC provider object from an RPC endpoint
  5. Use a private key to create a wallet object (the private key will be used to sign transactions). Note: This is for example purposes only. Never store your private keys in a plain Rust file
  6. Wrap the provider and wallet together into a client by providing them to a SignerMiddleware object
// 1. Import ethers crate
use ethers::providers::{Provider, Http};

// 2. Add client type
type Client = SignerMiddleware<Provider<Http>, Wallet<k256::ecdsa::SigningKey>>;

// 3. Add annotation
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// 4. Use try_from with RPC endpoint
let provider = Provider::<Http>::try_from(
// 5. Use a private key to create a wallet
// Do not include the private key in plain text in any production code
// This is just for demonstration purposes
// Do not include '0x' at the start of the private key
let wallet: LocalWallet = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"

// 6. Wrap the provider and wallet together to create a signer client
let client = SignerMiddleware::new(provider.clone(), wallet.clone());

Send a Transaction

During this section, you'll be creating a couple of functions, which will be contained in the same file to avoid additional complexity from implementing modules. The first function will be to check the balances of your accounts before trying to send a transaction. The second function will actually send the transaction. To run each of these functions, you will edit the main function and run the script.

You should already have your provider and client set up in in the way described in the previous section. In order to send a transaction, you'll need to add a few more lines of code:

  1. Add use ethers::{utils, prelude::*}; to your imports, which will provide you access to utility functions and the prelude imports all the necessary data types and traits
  2. As you'll be sending a transaction from one address to another, you can specify the sending and receiving addresses in the main function. Note: the address_from value should correspond to the private key that is used in the main function
// ...
// 1. Add to imports
use ethers::{utils, prelude::*};

// ...

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// ...

// 2. Add from and to address
let address_from = "YOUR_FROM_ADDRESS".parse::<Address>()?
let address_to = "YOUR_TO_ADDRESS".parse::<Address>()?

Check Balances Function

Next, you will create the function for getting the sending and receiving accounts' balances by completing the following steps:

  1. Create a new asynchronous function named print_balances that takes a provider object's reference and the sending and receiving addresses as input
  2. Use the provider object's get_balance function to get the balances of the sending and receiving addresses of the transaction
  3. Print the resultant balances for the sending and receiving addresses
  4. Call the print_balances function in the main function
// ...

// 1. Create an asynchronous function that takes a provider reference and from and to address as input
async fn print_balances(provider: &Provider<Http>, address_from: Address, address_to: Address) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// 2. Use the get_balance function
let balance_from = provider.get_balance(address_from, None).await?;
let balance_to = provider.get_balance(address_to, None).await?;

// 3. Print the resultant balance
println!("{} has {}", address_from, balance_from);
println!("{} has {}", address_to, balance_to);


async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// ...

// 4. Call print_balances function in main


Send Transaction Script

For this example, you'll be transferring 1 ELY from an origin address (of which you hold the private key) to another address.

  1. Create a new asynchronous function named send_transaction that takes a client object's reference and the sending and receiving addresses as input
  2. Create the transaction object, and include the to, value, and from. When writing the value input, use the ethers::utils::parse_ether function
  3. Use the client object to send the transaction
  4. Print the transaction after it is confirmed
  5. Call the send_transaction function in the main function
// ...

// 1. Define an asynchronous function that takes a client provider and the from and to addresses as input
async fn send_transaction(client: &Client, address_from: Address, address_to: Address) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
"Beginning transfer of 1 native currency from {} to {}.",
address_from, address_to

// 2. Create a TransactionRequest object
let tx = TransactionRequest::new()

// 3. Send the transaction with the client
let tx = client.send_transaction(tx, None).await?.await?;

// 4. Print out the result
println!("Transaction Receipt: {}", serde_json::to_string(&tx)?);


async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// ...

// 5. Call send_transaction function in main
send_transaction(&client, address_from, address_to).await?;


To run the script, which will send the transaction and then check the balances once the transaction has been sent, you can run the following command:

cargo run

If the transaction was succesful, in your terminal you'll see the transaction details printed out along with the balance of your address.

Deploy a Contract

The contract you'll be compiling and deploying in the next couple of sections is a simple incrementer contract, arbitrarily named Incrementer.sol. You can get started by creating a file for the contract:

touch Incrementer.sol

Next you can add the Solidity code to the file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Incrementer {
uint256 public number;

constructor(uint256 _initialNumber) {
number = _initialNumber;

function increment(uint256 _value) public {
number = number + _value;

function reset() public {
number = 0;

The constructor function, which runs when the contract is deployed, sets the initial value of the number variable stored on-chain (default is 0). The increment function adds the _value provided to the current number, but a transaction needs to be sent, which modifies the stored data. Lastly, the reset function resets the stored value to zero.

During the rest of this section, you'll be creating a couple of functions, which will be contained in the file to avoid additional complexity from implementing modules. The first function will be to compile and deploy the contract. The remaining functions will interact with the deployed contract.

You should already have your provider and client set up in in the way described in the Setting up the Ethers Provider and Client section.

Before getting started with the contract deployment, you'll need to add a few more imports to your file:

use ethers_solc::Solc;
use ethers::{prelude::*};
use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc};

The ethers_solc import will be used to compile the smart contract. The prelude from Ethers imports some necessary data types and traits. Lastly, the std imports will enable you to store your smart contracts and wrap the client into an Arc type for thread safety.

Compile and Deploy Contract Script

This example function will compile and deploy the Incrementer.sol smart contract you created in the previous section. The Incrementer.sol smart contract should be in the root directory. In the file, you can take the following steps:

  1. Create a new asynchronous function named compile_deploy_contract that takes a client object's reference as input, and returns an address in the form of H160
  2. Define a variable named source as the path for the directory that hosts all of the smart contracts that should be compiled, which is the root directory
  3. Use the Solc crate to compile all of the smart contracts in the root directory
  4. Get the ABI and bytecode from the compiled result, searching for the Incrementer.sol contract
  5. Create a contract factory for the smart contract using the ABI, bytecode, and client. The client must be wrapped into an Arc type for thread safety
  6. Use the factory to deploy. For this example, the value 5 is used as the initial value in the constructor
  7. Print out the address after the deployment
  8. Return the address
  9. Call the compile_deploy_contract function in main
// ...

// 1. Define an asynchronous function that takes a client provider as input and returns H160
async fn compile_deploy_contract(client: &Client) -> Result<H160, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// 2. Define a path as the directory that hosts the smart contracts in the project
let source = Path::new(&env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));

// 3. Compile all of the smart contracts
let compiled = Solc::default()
.expect("Could not compile contracts");

// 4. Get ABI & Bytecode for Incrementer.sol
let (abi, bytecode, _runtime_bytecode) = compiled
.expect("could not find contract")

// 5. Create a contract factory which will be used to deploy instances of the contract
let factory = ContractFactory::new(abi, bytecode, Arc::new(client.clone()));

// 6. Deploy
let contract = factory.deploy(U256::from(5))?.send().await?;

// 7. Print out the address
let addr = contract.address();
println!("Incrementer.sol has been deployed to {:?}", addr);

// 8. Return the address

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// ...

// 9. Call compile_deploy_contract function in main
let addr = compile_deploy_contract(&client).await?;


Read Contract Data (Call Methods)

Call methods are the type of interaction that don't modify the contract's storage (change variables), meaning no transaction needs to be sent. They simply read various storage variables of the deployed contract.

Rust is typesafe, which is why the ABI for the Incrementer.sol contract is required to generate a typesafe Rust struct. For this example, you should create a new file in the root of the Cargo project called Incrementer_ABI.json:

touch Incrementer_ABI.json

The ABI for Incrementer.sol is below, which should be copied and pasted into the Incrementer_ABI.json file:

"inputs": [
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "_value",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "increment",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "number",
"outputs": [
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "",
"type": "uint256"
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
"inputs": [],
"name": "reset",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"

Then you can take the following steps to create a function that reads and returns the number method of the Incrementer.sol contract:

  1. Generate a type-safe interface for the Incrementer smart contract with the abigen macro
  2. Create a new asynchronous function named read_number that takes a client object's reference and a contract address reference as input, and returns a U256
  3. Create a new instance of the Incrementer object generated by the abigen macro with the client and contract address values
  4. Call the number function in the new Incrementer object
  5. Print out the resultant value
  6. Return the resultant value
  7. Call the read_number function in main
// ...

// 1. Generate a type-safe interface for the Incrementer smart contract
event_derives(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)

// 2. Define an asynchronous function that takes a client provider and address as input and returns a U256
async fn read_number(client: &Client, contract_addr: &H160) -> Result<U256, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// 3. Create contract instance
let contract = Incrementer::new(contract_addr.clone(), Arc::new(client.clone()));

// 4. Call contract's number function
let value = contract.number().call().await?;

// 5. Print out number
println!("Incrementer's number is {}", value);

// 6. Return the number

// ...

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// ...

// 7. Call read_number function in main
read_number(&client, &addr).await?;


To run the script, which will deploy the contract and return the current value stored in the Incrementer contract, you can enter the following command into your terminal:

cargo run

If successful, you'll see the deployed contract's address and initial value set, which should be 5, displayed in the terminal.

Interact with Contract (Send Methods)

Send methods are the type of interaction that modify the contract's storage (change variables), meaning a transaction needs to be signed and sent. In this section, you'll create two functions: one to increment and one to reset the incrementer. This section will also require the Incrementer_ABI.json file initialized.

Take the following steps to create the function to increment:

  1. Ensure that the abigen macro is called for the Incrementer_ABI.json somewhere in the file (if it is already in the file, you do not have to have a second one)
  2. Create a new asynchronous function named increment_number that takes a client object's reference and an address as input
  3. Create a new instance of the Incrementer object generated by the abigen macro with the client and contract address values
  4. Call the increment function in the new Incrementer object by including a U256 object as input. In this instance, the value provided is 5
  5. Call the read_number function in main
// ...

// 1. Generate a type-safe interface for the Incrementer smart contract
event_derives(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)

// 2. Define an asynchronous function that takes a client provider and address as input
async fn increment_number(client: &Client, contract_addr: &H160) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
println!("Incrementing number...");

// 3. Create contract instance
let contract = Incrementer::new(contract_addr.clone(), Arc::new(client.clone()));

// 4. Send contract transaction
let tx = contract.increment(U256::from(5)).send().await?.await?;
println!("Transaction Receipt: {}", serde_json::to_string(&tx)?);


// ...

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// ...

// 5. Call increment_number function in main
increment_number(&client, &addr).await?;


To run the script, you can enter the following command into your terminal:

cargo run

If successful, the transaction receipt will be displayed in the terminal. You can use the read_number function in the main function to make sure that value is changing as expected. If you're using the read_number function after incrementing, you'll also see the incremented number, which should be 10.

Next you can interact with the reset function:

  1. Ensure that the abigen macro is called for the Incrementer_ABI.json somewhere in the file (if it is already in the file, you do not have to have a second one)
  2. Create a new asynchronous function named reset that takes a client object's reference and an address as input
  3. Create a new instance of the Incrementer object generated by the abigen macro with the client and contract address values
  4. Call the reset function in the new Incrementer object
  5. Call the reset function in main
// ...

// 1. Generate a type-safe interface for the Incrementer smart contract
event_derives(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)

// 2. Define an asynchronous function that takes a client provider and address as input
async fn reset(client: &Client, contract_addr: &H160) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
println!("Resetting number...");

// 3. Create contract instance
let contract = Incrementer::new(contract_addr.clone(), Arc::new(client.clone()));

// 4. Send contract transaction
let tx = contract.reset().send().await?.await?;
println!("Transaction Receipt: {}", serde_json::to_string(&tx)?);


// ...

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// ...

// 5. Call reset function in main
reset(&client, &addr).await?;


If successful, the transaction receipt will be displayed in the terminal. You can use the read_number function in the main function to make sure that value is changing as expected. If you're using the read_number function after resetting the number, you should see 0 printed to the terminal.